Recruiting volunteers : 5 tips for you association

Recruiting volunteers : 5 tips for you association
Published on
July 2023

Whoever has never had the slightest problem recruiting a volunteer, raise your hand !

Between availability that doesn't match our needs, disagreements with our values, skills that don't always match up, and running away from responsibilities. It is not always easy to find THE right person to help us in our actions ! The latest study by "Recherches et Solidarités" confirms it : volunteers are the main sources of concern for association leaders.

However, there are many people who are regularly involved in at least one association. So, how do we communicate our needs and how do we make potential volunteers want to join us ? How to generate applications ? How to recruit volunteers ? Because it is not always easy to be a volunteer recruiter, here are 5 tips to follow to find volunteer every time !

1 - Clearly define the proposed volunteer mission

Looking for a volunteer, yes, but to do what ? Nothing is less motivating than "We're looking for volunteers". Too fluzzy and imprecise, you take the risk of generating no application or applications that have no connection with what you are looking for !

Start by defining your needs (occasional help sitting up booth, proofreading administrative documents, visiting the elderly, etc.) and the specific tasks the volunteer will have to perform. You will see more clearly... and so will future volunteers.

2 - A volunteer or volunteers?

Of course, John was in charge of the accounting, the reception of the visitors, the registrations and animation of the events. He was very committed and multi-skilled. But unless we find his twin, we may have to look for several people to replace him. It is better to recruit 3 reliable and qualified volunteers who each invest 1 half-day per week than to scare away candidates by an overly complex profile search ! Don't hesitate to ask for advice from people around you to get an opinion on the type of volunteer you need.

3 - Do not hesitate to communicate your volunteer needs

Expressing your needs on your association's website is good, unless you have a lot of visitors, it is not enough. You must multiply the channels to improve your visibility. Rely on posters in shop, social networks ! Social networks are a real way to find volunteers, so why not take care of your volunteer needs ? A little trick that works very well : fin Facebook groups and post your volunteer ads in them. The visibility is much better in groups than on page. Volunteer sites like Volunteermatch can allow you to post volunteer assignments and find available volunteers with a wide variety of skills.

4 - Exchange and meet

You like a profile ? Great. The first contacts are essential to confirm a mutual desire to collaborate. By email, phone or face to face, get to know your contact and don't forget that they may be a little stressed. An interview in an association is not a job interview but it is still impressive. Rely on listening and kindness to make them want to join you ! It is also up to you to convince them of the association's project and activities. Be natural in introducing your association and everything will go well.

5 - Take the time to integrate the volunteers

Too often, we want to go too fast. A volunteer will be more motivated to get involved in your association if they feel welcome, if you take the time to introduce them and answer their questions. The quality of time spent with a new volunteer will be financial for the quality of his investment later on. And it's easier to trust someone you've spent time with ! You will have understood that the way you welcome your volunteers will have an influence on their investment and motivation, so it is important to take time to put new volunteer in confidence so that they can start in the best conditions and become a full member of the association.

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